The world of office lighting is dominated by aluminium and powder-coated surfaces. EVIO leaves troddenpaths, surrounding the light with laminatedwood and Eternit®. The idea to have the technical corpus surrounded by unusual materials on both sides results in a smoothly dynamicshape. The lightly curved, clear lines speak forthemselves. They make the design and function of the luminaire evident; the design becomes the principle.
Finely grained beech wood and elegant walnut make us think about furniture, flooring and wall panels. Eternit®, on the other hand, reminds us of buildings labs or interior design elements familiar from the seventies. What is unusual for both materials, however, is that they are being used for the technically sophisticated housing of a lighting. This is what makes Evio stand out self-confidently from conventional systems. It acts in a field of tension, with technical precision and a material quality that plays with textures, grains and colour shades. Each lighting is unique. The slim line light element, with its smoothly flowing forms, makes the lighting design truly expressive. Like an elegant evening coat, wood and Eternit® are wrapped around thelight center.